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Showing results 1 to 20 of 120  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Oct-2014ALICE2 Case Study 1 - Auger: World scientists seek to solve the enigma of the origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays (2009)-
17-Oct-2014ALICE2 Case Study 2 - Bio-pharmaceutical principle: RedCLARA links high efficiency laboratories in Chile and Brazil for the development of human spermicidal-
17-Oct-2014ALICE2 Case Study 3 - Democratising science: A road paved by the Academia in favour of primary education-
17-Oct-2014ALICE2 Case Study 4 - MAPA D2: Artists and researchers from Europe and Latin America get together through RedCLARA to stage telematics shows-
17-Oct-2014ALICE2 Case Study 5 - LAGO: By making use of RedCLARA, Latin American scientists aim to measure the radiation of gamma ray bursts and solar activity-
17-Oct-2014ALICE2 Case Study 6 - OLE2: Timely information that saves lives-
17-Oct-2014ALICE2 Case Study 7 - Telehealth: A road which Latin America is determined to pave-
17-Oct-2014ALICE2 Case Study 8 - Legion: the project that helps to turn free resources into a high computing power-
17-Oct-2014ALICE2 Case Study 9 - Mylims: An outstanding experience for open, free-of-charge and online data management and manipulation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectres-
2-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°01, ano 01, abril 2005-
2-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°02, ano 01, junho 2005-
23-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°03, ano 01, agosto 2005-
24-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°04, ano 01, outubro 2005-
24-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°05, ano 01, dezembro 2005-
24-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°06, ano 02, março 2006-
24-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°07, ano 02, maio 2006-
24-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°08, ano 02, julho 2006-
24-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°09, ano 02, setembro 2006-
24-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°10, ano 02, novembro 2006-
24-Jul-2014Boletim DeCLARA, N°11, ano 03, janeiro 2007-